When succulents are presented as a perfect solution to summer drought, rarely is there any consideration of frost tolerance. For those of us either in the hinterland or north (in Vic) or west (in other eastern states) of the Great Divide, this can be a real issue. So I'm starting a (very small) list of them. Please add to it!

Sempervivums - so far, all of them
Echeveria - these vary widely, but I've succeeded with E. glauca and E. secunda (btw, I'm not at all confident with the ID of these)
Aeonium 'Du Rozzen'. This is a complete surprise. All other Aeoniums are gelatinous after the first frost. This is indestructible. A dwarf form, and very, very dark.
Cotyledon orbiculata (but only those with a frost-hardy pedigree, such as the form (I believe) from Lambley. Others are definitely not hardy

That's it. My very short short list.