Frost in Feb?

Yep.  This morning the windscreen was iced over – the wipers frozen into immobility. It was the second frost this February – the last being last Wednesday, which happened also to be a total fire ban day.  There’d only been 57 days since the last of the spring frosts. No damage was done in the garden, surprisingly, with the most sensitive stuff like nasturtiums, tomatoes and the shrubby salvias left unburnt.  But their growth will be checked.

As usual, this latest frost was followed by the most stunning morning – still and delicious. Great for taking pics – some attached.


  1. I want to sit in those teak chairs , hear the wind through the grasses , watch the birds at play in the knifophias ,hear the busy buzz of insects at work, enveloped by the seasons growth …… who needs more!

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