Slow food for a slow learner

Honestly, how can it take so long to learn such simple lessons?  I’m more than happy with the idea that gardening can keep you on a steep learning curve for a lifetime, but I really thought that what I’d be learning at this point could be made to sound more worthy of the length of the journey so far – that I could preach from lofty heights of hard-won wisdom.

I guess it’s part of the essential humbling of the gardener – perhaps of anyone working with nature.

The latest realization, as obvious as it sounds once you’ve heard it, is that every different vegetable has a fundamental critical mass, and that if you don’t have enough space to reach this number, it is hardly worth growing it at all.

This profound bit of simplicity emerges from frustration with my peas.

I’m not going to pretend, even in the interest of indulgent self-deprecation, that I ever thought that the single punnet of pea seedlings I planted in late September was going to produce much.  And in my own defence (against my own argument – this is getting ridiculous), I’d never normally plant peas from seedlings anyway but I was hours away from going OS for a month, and wanted to stick a few things in that would be starting to produce upon my return.  Having said all that, I should have known that a single punnet was never going to produce enough peas at any one time for even a single meal for my family of five.  The best I’ve achieved so far is to add about 8 or 9 pods, sliced diagonally, to a salad.  Lame indeed.  I usually just pick them and munch away while I water.  Useless.

If you’re veggie gardening, as I do, with limited space, and in my case in twelve raised beds 1.5 metres across, then there’s a heap of veggies that you just shouldn’t bother with.

For instance, I’ll never grow asparagus.  As much as I love the idea of cutting brittle, turgid spears just minutes before cooking, there simply wouldn’t be any point unless I could ensure at least a dozen spears at a single picking.  One or two a day would be more irritating than none, being enough to make you feel obliged to do something with them, but not enough to make anything worthwhile.

Neither is there any point in a single carrot.  With baby carrots, you’ll want at least twenty at a time.  If you’d like to achieve that for five meals, then guess how many you’ll need to germinate?  (I say germinate rather than sow, as with carrots in particular, there’s a massive difference).

Lettuces, on the other hand, will remain a staple.  A single lettuce can form the basis of a decent salad.  At most you’ll want two.  A punnet of 12 plants (or the equivalent sown from seed – far preferable) is therefore likely to contribute to between 6 – 12 meals.

Cabbages are so productive that you might only want half, or even a quarter, for a meal.  That makes me lean towards the mini-types, as I rarely need to ingest cabbage more than once a month, so the refrigerated remains won’t last between usages.  I’ve also come to the conclusion that the McCoy family really won’t want more than about six cabbages a year, so we plant accordingly.

Tomatoes might take up a fair bit of space, but there’s not really a critical mass issue.  If you’ve enough of them, you can make vast quantities of pasta sauce, and if you’ve only one, you can add them to a sandwich.

I haven’t really thought about this enough to make a thorough list of the best and worst veggies to grow in limited space.  That’s a long way off.  But what emerges from the above realization is that there’s a linked question of how long vegies will last in the garden once ready to pick.  That’d better wait for another post.

Even in a small veggie garden things can get seriously out of hand. I mean, do you know anyone that needs that much rocket or pot marigold?


  1. Thought I’d try the caption option on the pics this post. I hate it, and promise I won’t do it again.

      1. I LIKE the captions!

        1. I knew that someone would say that, Erica. I get that the captions in a post like this add to it’s content, and that it wouldn’t have been possible to add that content into the main text, but they look so dodgy, design-wise…

          1. You’re right. I love the captions, but it’s the heavy serif font against the roman sans serif that’s not being your friend.

      2. The Captions don’t look that bad!

        BTW if anyone is reading as far as the comments.. please feel free to pass this on.. a dream job for a Gardening Researcher at Gardening Australia? It could be a lot of fun and requres a Horticulture Degree!
        This is the link!

      3. Hey, and after all that, I went and picked about 40 sugar snap peas to add to dinner tonight. But it’ll be the one and only time. It’ll be watering-time snacking only from here on..

      4. Who needs so much rocket? Native bees. I went to pull them out as they started to flowers and take up huge amount of space but couldn’t, full of bees. Now I need to know more about them. Thanks Michael fascinating

      5. Regarding growing Asparagus, I’m on limited water as well so my asparagus only pops up 2 or 3 at a time, so I put the picked ones in a glass of water and keep them in the fridge and by the end of the week I have a bunch to eat.

          1. And do you notice any difference in the flavour between those picked earlier in the week, and those picked later? Your thought leads to a much bigger point about modern processes of food storage. Some vegies like carrots, leeks and potatoes can virtually be stored in the ground. Others need picking and can be stored, at least temporarily, in the fridge. Living where we do, winter provides outdoor refrigeration, and cabbages sit patiently, awaiting their consumption..

      6. No it doesn’t affect the flavour, they still taste yum.

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