Are there any plants that better display the supreme qualities of elegance and poise than the species tulips in bud?
I just want to look up close at one – Tulipa clusiana var. chrysantha
The more I looked at my pics, the more captivated I became with detail. I mean, just look at these deliciously sinuous overlapping folds
And then the tapering flower tips, holding on to their early-morning dew
This is a lovely variety of the Lady Tulip. I like the straight species (Tulipa clusiana) even better, but couldn’t catch them at the right moment of bud-swell
This has set plenty of seed, and in an irresistible move of counting chickens way before they’re hatched I’m seeing hundreds of them, confetti-ing through my ‘steppe‘.
By the way, I’m now on Instagram – @michaelmccoyongardens
Georgia O’Keefe would have loved that!
Sure would! Makes me want to pick up a paint brush myself
Tulipa clusiana is no doubt an awesome flower. Unfortunately, I cannot have this type of flowers because my garden space is too short. Looking forward in the future when we move to another state.