Gravetye Manor is a floral explosion of gardening at its highest difficulty level. Tom Coward, as head gardener, manages this stupendous feat of carefully timed planting in such a way as to inspire you to reach new heights, or to give up all future attempts as hopeless, and just bathe in its gorgeous glow with a drink in hand.
The bulk of Robinson’s money was made in London real estate, I learned from one of the books on Gertrude Jekyll. Obv that takes some capital to start, which came from his writing/publishing. But the kind of money it took to develop Gravetye came from real estate.
I’d so love to have lunch there someday, which gives you a chance to explore the gardens, but it’s unlikely to happen. Videos are the next best thing, and yours are consistently rewarding. Thanks so much!
Wondering if you were able to find the name of the purple dahlia with purple foliage Michael? Wonderful garden.
It’s Magenta Star, Pamela