Winterhome NZ, vista upon vista

Winterhome, on the stunning Kekerengu coastline, is a garden of formal, interconnecting vistas that leaves you gasping at the vision and sense of scale of its creator. The ocean views are spectacular, but the garden views are even better!

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The steppe garden - what bulbs would you have used?

Michael shares the thinking behind his steppe garden, with ground covers, punctuation and seasonal flushes! ...

Great Dixter - the unbearable build-up

Great Dixter is one of my favourite places in the world.  Has been for nearly 30 years.  I’ve been deliriously happy there and horribly stressed.  In that house and garden, I’ve experienced hig ...

Recalibrating my planting design thinking

My thinking on planting design has been substantially recalibrated in the last 12 months or so by increased contact with the ground-breaking work of James Hitchmough and Nigel Dunnett, largely through ...